Your Next Read: Christian Edition

I think that finding books that can further your walk with the Lord is an important way to add to a book worm’s faith. Sometimes Christian authors can write just the sermon you need to hear, without you even realizing you’ve heard it.

It’s hard to find a good Christian author. You know the ones who so seamlessly weave God into the story that you don’t really even notice. They are not “preachy” or obnoxious. Their characters are not “holier than thou” or ridiculous. And I’ve been on the search. I thought I’d share a few favorite Christian authors with you. Ones who don’t typically have shoving Jesus down your throat as a main plot line.

If you like feel good love stories (you secret Hallmark movie fan, you…)…

Fools Rush In by Janice Thompson


This is a part of the Weddings by Bella series, that I’m determined to finish. I loved this book and the goofy smiles it plastered on my face.

“Bella Rossi may be nearing thirty, but her life is just starting to get interesting. When her Italian turned Texan parents hand over the family wedding planning business, Bella is determined not to let them down. She quickly books a “Boot Scoot’n” wedding that would make any Texan proud.

When a misunderstanding leads her to the DJ (and man) of her dreams, things start falling into place. But with a family like hers, nothing is guaranteed. Can the perfect Texan wedding survive a pizza-making uncle with mob ties, an aunt who is a lawsuit waiting to happen, and a massive delivery of 80 cowboy boots? And will Bella ever get to plan her own wedding?

If you’re as obsessed as me with a good YA series…

The Summer of Cotton Candy by Debbie Viguie (A Sweet Seasons Novel)


This was one of the first young adult Christian series I fell in love it, I’ve bought and rebought these books. They’re a cheesy, adorable, candy coated YA mess that I adore.

“Most people think The Zone is an amusement park, but Candy Thompson knows it s really a slave labor camp. What else would you call a summer job that requires a sixteen-year-old girl to set aside her whole social life for the privilege of standing out in the hot sun selling cotton candy? Still, there are perks—particularly the mysterious hunk in the Lone Ranger costume. Behind that mask are the most amazing eyes Candy has ever seen. Who is that masked man? But someone else is just as interested. And romantic competition isn t the only problem. Besides being hard work, The Zone is eating up major time. How is Candy supposed to stay involved in church? Worse yet, will she lose her best friend, Tamara, who resents how Candy s job limits their time together? This is NOT the summer Candy hoped for! But as she is about to discover, the summer of cotton candy will be the greatest summer of her life.”

If you like romance, comedy, and a good murder…

I present to you, the very first Christian author I was obsessed with… (Like, read the blog, order the books online, win a signed ARC of her new book obsessed.)

A Charmed Life Series by Jenny B. Jones


She’s hilarious, she’s spunky, and she has great taste in shoes. I couldn’t put this book down. It’s great, and the books that follow only get better. (And it now comes in this snazzy three-in-one set!) The first one is a bit preachy, but I could look past that because… it’s so dang good. I swear.

New York’s social darling just woke up in a nightmare: Oklahoma. Problem is, it’s right where God wants her.

Bella Kirkwood had it all: A-list friends at her prestigious private school, Broadway in her backyard, and Daddy’s MasterCard in her wallet. Then her father, a plastic surgeon to the stars, decided to trade her mother in for a newer model.

When Bella’s mom falls in love with a man she met on the Internet–a factory worker with two bratty sons–Bella has to pack up and move in with her new family in Truman, Oklahoma. On a farm no less!”

If you like fantasy, time travel, and handsome knights in shining armor…

The River of Time Series by Lisa Bergen


This series follows the life of two sisters who mysteriously find a portal in their mother’s archaeological dig site that transports them to medieval Italy. Now they have to find each other and their way home, luckily one of them has found just the knight in (really hot) shining armor to aid their quest.

Not only did I completely fall in love with this series, but I now have this near obsessive need to visit Italy…

If you like a modern day, murder mystery, CSI-ish story, with a dash of romance…

Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson


I fell so in love with this author, that I went and bought seven books of another series she wrote. Yeah. It was a good time for my book worm heart and a bad time for my college student wallet.

Ann Silver is a cop’s cop. As the Midwest Homicide Investigator, she is called in to help local law enforcement on the worst of cases, looking for answers to murder. Hers is one of the region’s most trusted investigative positions.

Paul Falcon is the FBI’s top murder cop in the Midwest. If the victim carried a federal badge or had a security clearance, odds are good Paul and his team see the case file or work the murder.

Their lives intersect when Ann arrives to pass a case off her desk and onto his. A car wreck and a suspicious death offer a lead on a hired shooter he is tracking. Paul isn’t expecting to meet someone, the kind that goes on the personal side of the ledger, but Ann Silver has his attention.”

If you like historical fiction, with a touch of romance and sprinkle of mystery…

… look no further than Cathy Marie Hake… Seriously. This woman knows what she’s doing.

I’ve got no less than eight of her books on my shelf.

Fancy Pants by Cathy Marie Hake


There is no beating this series if you like a good historical fiction novel. It’s got some comedy, some romance, some mystery, and some great witty dialogue. You just don’t want it to end.

When British Lady Sydney Hathwell’s father dies, the American who planned to wed her suddenly reneges. Stranded in America and penniless, Sydney contacts a relative in Texas who, mistaking her male-sounding name, invites his “nephew” to join him on his ranch.

“Big Tim” Creighton, however, is appalled when this mincing fop arrives at Forsaken. He determines he’ll turn Fancy Pants Hathwell into a man before the boss returns home. From the get-go, he has “the kid” mucking stalls, clearing and plowing a field, and assisting with a difficult calving. But when Sydney’s true identity is uncovered, Tim resents being deceived. Yet in time, he also finds that he doesn’t like all the attention Sydney garners now that she’s wearing pretty gowns…”


I’ve got plans for another Your Next Read: Christian Edition…


What are some of your favorite Christian authors? Have you read any of the ones I mentioned?

Love always.




21st Summer: A Bucket List!

I remember writing a bucket list… I vaguely remember adding basically every spot on the globe to this bucket list. “Climb the Eiffel Tower.” “Kiss the Blarney stone.” “Ride the London Eye.” It was more of a travel list than a bucket list, and my naive 13 year old self had no idea how freaking expensive traveling actually is…

Well, my 21 year old self realizes how expensive traveling actually is… and while I save up for a trip to Europe, and Disney World, and Hawaii (hey, a girl can still dream), I thought I would take this summer to be content with the area I’ve got to roam around in, and make a thrifty bucket list to complete, while still saving for Europe. (Dear Lord, please let me see Europe.)

Without further ado…

21st Summer Bucket List

1. Write in this blog at least three times a week. Why? Because what’s the use in making memories if you’re just gonna forget them? I’d like to keep documentation of this summer, the haps and mishaps. The cute boys. The embarrassing moments. The good hair days. The new places.

2. Try a cuisine I’ve never eaten before. This will either broaden my horizons, or end up a hilarious chain of events concluding with a Wendy’s drive through run.

3. Tie-dye. Because ever since Lizzie McGuire did it… I’ve needed this to happen in my life.

4. Read two books a week. Because… I like to read, okay? Geez. (and hello built in blog post)

5. Watch all the Harry Potter movies. Without falling asleep… or “resting” my eyes. Because… This just needs to happen.

6. Drive-in Movie theater! Because… it’s the fifties date from heaven and boyfriend or not I am going to do this. The Grease soundtrack may or may not be playing the entire way there. I dunno.

7. Get a pedicure… because, the last one I got was like… when I was sixteen. My toes need to look cute in sandals this summer. Okay?

8. Build a giant blanket fort… and watch movies in it. Because I’m obviously the most mature 21 year old you’ve ever met… and someone’s gotta teach the little brother how to make a good pillow fort.

9. Baseball game… Because… I love me some Rangers baseball, and I already splurged on the perfect tank top to wear…

10. Visit a farmer’s market. Why? I don’t know. I don’t really like vegetables… or over priced “super healthy” vegetables. But it’s a summer to try new things right? So… Farmer’s market.

11. Art Museum… why? How could you even ask that, you uncultured swine. *

12. Make** a smoothie. In a bit of an effort to add a little health and fitness to this summer, why not give a couple different smoothie recipes the ultimate taste test?

13. Moon tan. By which I mean the family tradition of swimming under the stars and calling it moon tanning.

14. Run a mile in under ten minutes… because? I don’t know, this sounds kind of miserable to train for and stuff. But, fitness. Yes. Fitness. And wearing shorts with confidence, that’d be nice.

15. Make a 21st Summer Mix CD… the ultimate form of affection. A soundtrack for summer. 10 songs. I like it.

16. Road trip to a tiny town that I’ve never been to before. Because who says a road trip has to span 7 states, and feature 64 gasoline restroom stops? Only requirement? Over an hour away. And if there’s anything Texas is full of, it’s highways and small towns.

17. Stop at a little antique shop and buy a little souvenir… because junky vintage trinket or it didn’t happen.

18. Spray paint a half buried Cadillac in Amarillo… Yes. This is a thing. A thing that I suddenly feel the need to do.

19. See something in the IMAX theater… whether it’s that dolphin film (again)… or something new and shiny, I have to see something on a screen bigger than my house at some point this summer.

20. See a live play or musical preformance. Because I’m one of those dreaded people who actually does enjoy a good musical (so long, farewell…)

21. Send a few random postcards out, with a little memory written on it for good measure. IF YOU’D LIKE TO GET A CARD, please follow me on twitter (the link is at the top or my name is @HeartTruly), retweet the tweet about this blog post (it will have #RT on it!). I will pick a couple people who retweeted it out to randomly receive a postcard this summer, with a hello and a memory I’ve made.

I have until the first day of school to complete my task. This mission will be documented here under the tag “21st Summer Bucket List” and on my instagram.

Did I miss anything that I have just got to add?



Love always,


*If you don’t get it, we can’t be friends.

** As in, cannot be bought pre-made.

Church Your Way: A Quick Rant

I consistently come across people, both online and in real life, who expect life to be like Burger King. Well, guess what honey? This isn’t Burger King, and you don’t always get to have it your way. And of all the things in life that people are most apt to nit-pick about, it’s church.

This is completely ridiculous to me.

Like, are you kidding me?

“This church just isn’t meeting my needs anymore.” “The worship is just too loud.” “The pastor has a lisp.” “I’m not happy with the children’s program anymore.” The complaints are vary from the girl wearing shorts in service to the eggs at breakfast no longer “speaking” to me. And everything in between.

It’s sad.

And for a people who have been called into this world to serve the Lord, it’s downright pathetic.

Christian’s have succumbed to this “Have it Your Way” culture of entitlement. Like your local church owes you something, or they don’t deserve your attendance.

Even Jesus “Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,” but excuse me if we stopped serving turkey bacon at breakfast. Sorry the drummer is too loud. Those seats could be a little more comfortable, I apologize.

Christians in America today have the completely wrong attitude going into the church, it’s a “what can I get out of this?” attitude, not a “how can I serve the Lord here?” attitude.

Churches are filled with self serving people. People who are trying to get find their made to order congregation and serve themselves like church is some 24-hour Las Vegas buffet. Can you even blame people who are turned off by church? Even the devoted “church goers” stand idly by and complain.

Let me tell you something, by and large,  the loudest complainers are the last to volunteer for anything the church needs done. People are quick to see needs and make them known, but the last to want to fill them. This is their church, why should they be put out?

The same few people end up with all the jobs, most of the time. Of course things could be better, the few people willing to pitch in are stretched to their breaking point. They’re exhausted, they’re tired, they would love to actually sit in service now and again… but they get asked to do child care… for ANOTHER event.

I challenge you… before you open your big mouth about yet another thing your church does wrong, ask if yourself can help. Can you make a difference? Can you serve somehow use this idea to serve the people of your congregation and your community? Can you be something other than a buzzing in the pastor’s ear?

I can’t even imagine how much stronger the church in America would be if Christian’s switched from the worldly “serve me” to the Christ-like “let me serve.” How much more encouraged that pastors, and worship leaders, and children’s church workers would be if people stopped complaining and started volunteering. If the congregation saw their church as something bigger than themselves, but something worth being an active part in. Something that could really reach out into the community and show true servant love. The kind of love Jesus showed us consistently in the bible.

Be a servant leader in your church, not a serve me complainer.

Love always,



A completely serious rant on the issues I, as a “sarcastaholic”, face in my day to day life.

1. Texting. As of yet the geniuses at Apple have yet to come up with a texting font for sarcastic remarks, which I’d think would be fairly high on the list of priorities. You know, instead of ridiculous things like making the next iPhone .02 inches taller. There has been many a time that a sarcastic remark has been typed on my phone, and taken the wrong way. So much so, in fact, that I end up sarcastically apologizing later. But of course, they know I’m being sarcastic by then. It’s really not fair when you think about it. It’s like people have “Selective Sarcasm Hearing.”

So I still have to convince people I’m joking, on a daily basis. I’m pretty sure they don’t believe me.

2. Handling conflict. Please, try to understand. I can’t help it. I genuinely react to, not only stupidity, but situations of every kind with sarcastic commentary. I’m pretty I’m gonna be that annoying teacher that always has a come back and answers your plea to go to the bathroom with “I don’t know, can you use the bathroom?” My I don’t mean to be insulting, that’s just how I handle life. If I can’t makes jokes about something, Houston we’ve got a problem.

On a side note: I have this insane need to come out with the last word, and that really doesn’t help things along. So maybe this is only a problem for me.

3. Literal people. There are few people I have more trouble dealing with than someone who legitimately doesn’t detect sarcasm. You know that person who asks if your busy while you are writing a paper, feeding a baby, painting your nails, watching the latest episode of The Bachelorette, and saving New York, and then believes you when you reply “Noooo. I’m not busy? Do I look busy?” Literal people and sarcastic people tend to have a communicative disconnect. Like when my little brother says, “I accidentally swallowed some toothepaste” and then ends up crying when I tell him that he’s probably got a day to live.

Honestly, I’m not even sure how the truly literal survive the internet.

4. Oversensitive people. I am not biased in my sarcasm, and honestly you shouldn’t take it personally. (Back to “Communication Issues”). A guy once asked me out, and I had to turn his literal-emotional-self down… One of many reasons: because I’m fairly certain I’d make him cry on a regular basis. Tears do not a good relationship foundation make.

5. Subtweeting. It’s a sarcastaholic trap you should avoid at all costs, because it’s too easy to subtweet about idiots and neverrrr return.

6. Explaining other people’s sarcasm to people who just don’t get it. Go to pinterest… Now go to the humor section. It should take you all of 5 seconds to find examples of sarcasm (ecards any one?). Now look at pinterest with a friend who doesn’t have a cynical bone in their body. Yep. That happens in real life too… or during movies… or listening to the radio…

7. Dealing with OTHER sarcastic people. Man. We can be an annoying species, can we not? And you never quite get it until you’re dealing with one of your own kind. (Thanks @itsdmise for reminding about this very important sarcastic prob). While other sarcastic people annoy you, they also keep you on your toes. Which is usually fun. Usually.


Shoutout to @NotSoAveragePK for answering my last minute plea for ideas from my twitter followers. He’s obviously one my faves.

“When people look at you extremely dumbfounded because they didn’t get what you said. ” –@NotSoAveragePK

Did I miss anything? Tell me below.

Love always,



Single and ready to…




I know the feeling all too well my dears.

I’ve given the single life a good portion of my thoughts over the last 21 years (and counting, trust me I am counting). I’m sure there are many single rants to come on this here blog, and if you are opposed to such ungodly thoughts please kindly find your way to the door because this will not be the right blog for you.

I’ve seen the pinterest pages of mason jar weddings and cute date ideas, I’ve wanted to throw many a book with “just too cute” a couple across the room, and we’ve all rolled our eyes at those annoying “same side of the booth” couples when we go out to eat. You know the ones who can’t possibly even been a table’s width apart for a meal, heaven forbid.

I know the ups and downs (there seem to be lots of downs) of singledom.

But I’m not naive.

I know that a relationship isn’t a fix all for life’s problems. I realize that relationships are hard work… I realize they’re possibly even harder than having no one to drag to cute romantic comedies or do that cute “one milkshake, two straws” thing we’ve all been dreaming of.

I understand relationships are hard work… I realize there are days of fighting to make it work… I’ve watched The Bachelorette, I know about the ups and downs.

I am ready.

I just know it.


Epiphany time Miss Obvious.

If I am so certain I can handle a relationship with someone just as flawed as me, why is my relationship with the perfect creator of this universe so very lacking? How could I possibly make a go at a successful relationship with another human, when I have trouble devoting time and energy into the most important relationship I will ever have? The one with God.

Yep. I realized I am probably not quite ready for a relationship with a guy, because I still have a lot more practicing to do on my relationship with God. I’ve realized that if I am selfish enough with my time to keep it from the Lord, I am probably too selfish with my time to make a relationship work.

Plus, a relationship with the Lord is what prepares someone for a successful relationship here on earth. Let’s be honest. What kind of relationship do you want to compare your dating life to? A steady, strong, unfailing relationship with the Lord or your last four three-week-relationships?

God is patient, kind, forgiving, and understanding. He doesn’t hold things over my head, or keep a record of everything I’ve done wrong. The Lord guides me, but let’s me make my own mistakes. I feel safe with God, knowing He is the one holding my life in the palm of his hands. The Lord only has the best for me.

God is love.

The kind of love I want to strive for in my earthly relationships. Don’t you see? If I don’t take the time, put in the hours, and nurture my relationship with the Lord I can’t experience that love in it’s truest form… I won’t have the foundation that I so crave in my earthly relationships. Without experiencing the love of the Lord, and letting myself live a life growing in His timing, I couldn’t even try to love like He does. And I certainly won’t be able to see if that’s what I’m getting in return.

I want to compare the men in my life to the man who gave me life.

I want my relationship with God to be the standard I’ve set for relationships in my life.

I don’t expect to find a perfect guy (and whoever ends up with me certainly won’t be getting perfection)… But growing in the Lord will show me the things to look for in a relationship, how to make one last, how to die to my selfish nature, and how to love.


I think this realization calls for some ice cream and little bible study session. Yes?

Ice cream is never a bad idea.


Thanks for reading,



I sincerely hope you enjoyed this first -hopefully of many- post. Feel free to say hi below or share with someone who might enjoy it!