Gratitude Plate


Well. It’s Thanksgiving. That means it is time for our thankfulness lists. Made tradition by some overworked, stressed out, and ready to sleep in elementary school teachers, this is now a staple of the American Thanksgiving.

Some of you overachievers have been telling me something you’re thankful for everyday this month on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. #Blessed, ya’ll.

So, I thought I’d show you how to make this nifty plate here. I ran to the dollar store, picked up a ceramic glass plate, bought a black sharpie, and began. Which means this is a three dollar project. The cheapskate in me is thrilled.

Write whatever you’re thankful for, I wrote all about baseball pants and indoor plumbing all the way to God himself. And everything between.

Don’t judge. Trust me, you will be running low on ideas, you’ll get to the point of writing down “toilet paper”… Embrace it.

So, write your lists, thank God for Dr. Pepper and the Hemsworth brothers… When you’re done, stick your plate in your unpreheated oven, and heat it to 425. Let them sit for 30-45 minutes, no exact science. Then turn your oven off and let your plate cool completely while it is in the oven.

Hand wash lightly, mine has held up pretty well… But results aren’t guaranteed, it might end up a one time use kinda thing.


But what an adorable one time it’ll be.

Millions of Blessings,


Confession Time

You may have figured it out, perceptive beings that you are… But if you haven’t, I’d like to just take a minute to be honest with you…

I admit it. I confess.

I am a…bookworm.

If there’s not a book in my hand, it’s probably stashed into my purse or backpack or my car glove box. Maybe there’s one in each of those spots. There are probably at least three books in my trunk, and I usually can find one stashed in every room of my house. They. Are. Everywhere.

(Random: I recently just took about fifty books to the used book store, which was only a sad farewell until I got more store credit. I am almost always looking for another read. I love me a good cheap book. Because, dang, books are anything but cheap. And… I’m typically a flat tire away from broke at any given time.)

I literally took a book to the Mockingjay movie premiere to read for the hour before the movie started. I’m that person.

For some people it’s salt and pepper shakers or creepy porcelain dolls or I Love Lucy memorabilia.  Some people hoard cats or pin cushions or old National Geographic magazines. But for me, it’s books. Fantasy, Christian Fiction, Romantic Suspense, Comedy, Mystery.

Which is why I’m pathetically excited to tell you that… drumrolllllllllll… I’ll be adding a “Current Read” page to the blog. Which probably feels a bit anticlimactic to you… But. That’s life. Build a bridge and get over it.

If you have any snazzier titles than “Current Read” for this page, give me a shout out in the comments. I plan to have it up in the next week.

Anyone else currently listening to Christmas music… I am unashamedly best friends with my Classic Christmas pandora station right now. Pandora Christmas never treats me wrong. It’s probably one of few stations that me skipping a song is actually rare. (#PandoraProbs, am i right?).

I dare you. Go. Christmas Radio on Pandora. Right Now. Santa is watching, don’t disappoint!

Speaking of Christmas, check the new sig… Jealous?

Love always,


Lost Pens and Paint Splatters

Well, again, it’s been awhile my friends.

Why is that? In a word… Life.

We are moving, I am trying to wrap up a semester (including all that entails, like finishing papers the morning they’re due, studying for exams the night before, and somehow reasoning that “one more episode” on netflix won’t hurt anything.), I am trying to help get a house ready for move in, I’ve been painting my room, and all the while trying to plan a cruise I’m not entirely sure will even happen.

Planning imaginary trips is one of my favorite pastimes. I can pick a date, an imaginary budget, and then go wild. It’s so much fun, researching hostels, looking up airline tickets, deciding what the must see things are in each place. The depressing part is when it’s over, and you did all that work for nothing. Thank God for pinterest, I can pin the pretty places and pretend that I will see everyone of them one day (Mission Marry a Millionare is still in the planning stages).

But we are coming to the end of another semester. How do I know this? Well, beyond looking at a calendar (or phone, let’s be honest), I realized that I was out of school supplies Meaning I’ve lost, given away, or used (okay, mostly lost) all of my pens and pencils. That usually means that there are about three weeks left of school. The worst three weeks. Exams. Finals. Papers. Oh my.

Finals Survival Guide to come.

In other news, my new room is painted and while there’s a dandy amount of touch up, I can’t wait to show ya’ll what design I picked.

DIY room projects (and maybe a Christmas gift or two? but don’t hold me to that) to come.

Is it naptime yet?

