
My life just feels like a bunch of questions right now. as much as I would love to instill some timeless wisdom that astounds and amazes… I’m not at that place right now. This blog will just be questions. That’s all. No wit. No wisdom. Why are you even reading this?

Ah, the first question! Shall I go on?

Should I keep blogging?

Do people even read this thing?

How do people get wildly successful from blogging?

Will I ever be wildly successful?

What are the chances I’ll marry a millionare?

What classes do I take next semester?

Do I go ahead and enter the program or put it off one more semester?

I am majoring in the right field, right?


What if I’m not? Oh, geez.

I mean. Teaching middle school? Am I nuts?

I guess so, because I keep thinking this is a good idea.

I am crazy. Aren’t I? Oh. Well.

I wish I could be crazy abroad. As in study abroad.

Why aren’t there more study abroad options for education majors?

Why is study abroad so expensive?

Why is traveling so expensive?

I’d love to go to Europe. The history, culture, food. (Food, people. Europe makes weight gain classy.)

Will I ever actually get to Europe?

Will my pitiful “Escape Fund” ever amount to anything?

I hope so.

I really hope so.

I just need one of those boyfriends with a family that goes on European jaunts all the time.

Do those exist?

Do boyfriends exist? I mean, in my realm of possibilities.

I feel a bit forever alone over here. I mean, who’s 21 and never even been on a date?

I hope I don’t die alone. That’s depressing.

Is my life a hallmark movie?

At least I can bank on ending up with the guy eventually if that’s the case…

I just hope my list isn’t a lifetime movie… Because then I alone and tragically and end up in a newspaper.

Back to reality… When will I graduate?

Do I have to graduate?

I don’t wanna grow up.

Why is being an adult so stressful?*

Love, Kisses, and Midterm Well Wishes,


*To be continued, in my head, all night long.

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